God’s Goodness

Paul preaches the goodness of God


Mars Hill


Mars Hill is in Greece.

Paul was detained in his travels and ended up in Greece.

While he was there waiting for his 2 friends and helpers, he decided to look around.

What Paul found was an incredible number of idols the Greeks worshipped Statues.


The Greeks were insulting.

They called him a little man.

Funny: that is exactly what Paul’s name means.

Paul wanted them to know God loved them and Jesus was Lord. But like so many in our day, he preached the resurrection of the dead and the glory of God.


It is one of the most beautiful sermons of all time.

It is in Acts 17:22-33 I encourage you to read it.

You, being saved and born again will enjoy it much and be blessed. But those who have not come to a saving grace in Christ Jesus yet will not profit or understand.


Paul failed as you can see. These people did nothing but wait around experimenting with new ideas. None were holy. When they heard the resurrection, they heard it in a carnal way. It was not Paul. It was them.

They saw no reason to relive what their lives had been. They figured once was enough. They were right but not spiritually.

The Great Apostle left there and on his way to Corinth he knew he did not preach the right message for salvation.


1 Corinthians

Chapter 1 verse 17

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect.



The very man Jesus gave the gospel of grace to personally is stating what needs to be preached to all.

Th Cross! Why? You can find the answer in the book of Romans. But Paul himself had this revelation and he put it on paper!!!


How fortunate can we be?

The way to salvation and resurrection life and power. The Cross of Christ.


Jesus IS the living sacrifice taught in Leviticus.


Paul, goes on to say this.

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.


How simple.

Men add to it creating false doctrines.

Men add works to it.

Men add sacraments to it.

Men add the baptism of the Holy Spirit to it.

Men add! But although many things are beautiful and true, they cannot save you.


What saves you and has saved us is the Cross because Jesus paid our debt there.

He defeated Satan there and removed the bondage

(see Isaiah 61 and Galatians 5). So, when Jesus said “It is finished”! that was what he meant. Finished totally.


He was resurrected BY The power of God through The Holy Spirit. And we were as well. He did it for you and me.

He is alive. He is a new Adam (man/creation) and he is the last Adam. Meaning we are In Christ Jesus.



Our Father does not view our sins at all.

If He did we would be doomed.

But thanks be to His Son Jesus Christ, our debt is paid in full. Grace. Then Mercy? Or is it Mercy and Grace?

You decide.


But Paul preached the cross from that day forward.

Not only for salvation.

For our daily walk with God!

Totally Him, not us.


Question: But I do not hear him mention the cross always!

Answer: Paul is preaching and teaching with The Holy Spirit leading him always. He is a man who is dead to sin and self. (Romans 7 explains this at the end and leads into Roman 8!) So that is the power of God.


From that sacrifice, we have God within us speaking and guiding. He is our comforter. Our helper. Our Lord. He is God The Holy Spirit. God our Father.


But to keep us from boasting, He always leads to the cross of salvation. Or He would separate from the Godhead and He will never do that! So only in us being perfect, overcomers of Satan the flesh and the world, and Holy as Christ can we have God work in and through us.

