The Message of the Cross
That message is to me three things.
1. Adoption by Father God
2. Into the family of God through the cross and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
3. Providing all of the power of the true Loving God The Holy Spirit who entered followers of Christ and made us Heirs in Christ Jesus, a new race of Saints to and for our God.
His Glory.
The teaching that the Holy Spirit only works in the finished parameters of the finished work of Christ is simple.
We make it hard not God.
It means God the Father is always going to help us and give us what we need and ask for as long as it is in our best interests and glorifies the name of Jesus.
Because Jesus is the Head and we are His body, but also, we are equals with him in Sonship now through adoption.
If the Holy Spirit helps us in any way apart from our Father and the man Christ Jesus, he would help satan.
He will not and cannot do that.
He can help fallen sinners’ like us but only through us being seen as totally righteous and not judged.
Through the overcoming of satan through the blood of the Lamb, we become free and that is where God helps us because then we are helped in a great and glorious way.
Not in half baked plans or fear, God plans our lives as we simply wait, pray, eat of the Word always and grow in grace.
Just ask Him.
Things happen.
But we are chastised as we leave that plan of freedom in Christ Jesus, so it becomes so miserable to be outside of the blessings we finally learn what we have.
It is not a bad life.
It is a great one.
It is also challenged constantly because our flesh is still fallen and looking at only one thing.
God’s law.
We hate sin.
We want to tell the truth and not sin and also help others.
But we not only fall short, we are no place close to understanding that perfection.
It is so very perfect and far beyond our means that it can make us hate ourselves.
It must.
It, that Law of God, makes any actions we think are rewardable filthy rags.
It points fingers to every small sin committed at any time in any life.
God’s words, not mine but true.
His righteousness is Jesus.
In Christ we are seen and loved as 100 per cent perfectly Holy Saints set apart for God and to His Son.
So that is what Faith is in the cross.
In the finished work of Jesus on Calvary.
That is how and why.
The Holy Spirit blesses us through that being what we trust to be enough.
It is.
Better to be Him or Me?
Me as Bruce but in Him as Christ and in Christ. My Father loves me and He loves Jesus.
I am adopted.
As we grow in grace and progress in this, our tests become harder, but our hearts grow in love for our Savior and our Creator more daily.
His Law says because we will indeed fail Him in love and all else, He will never fail us.
He lives in us and will always live in us.
Now remember.
Because few practice this.
Jimmy Swaggart teaches it and he himself understands it well.
I am sure.
But most of them there do not and only say they do.
The things they say prove it.
For salvation most do have their faith in the cross.
I hope so!
But for life in Christ Jesus it is usually in our fleshly attempts.
We do not even know how much.
Mostly always and never 100 per cent not but closer to that being silenced more and more.
The gems and blessings found in the Word are so much better than our words and plans.
When I am attempting to change anyone’s heart, compromise, try finding new churches to write to or go to, Study to be closer to God. Anything like that, if I am doing those things to be closer to Him, His Law says I will grow tired.
It will bless me but sooner or later I will have a problem and look to those things shocked that they did not help me at all.
Not now but before I understood this Gospel and how it works.
I could not grasp sinning so soon after a bible study.
Oh well.
But now, I do those things in Christ Jesus and the failures have nothing to do with them good or bad at all.
The failures are fleshly.
The Word is not.
His Law also says if I walk in the spirit I am fine.
I am disassociated with the world, flesh, and devil.
But it does not often feel that way and during those bumps and valleys, that is when you walk with God the closest at first.
Grow in grace and walk daily and as we do more, we fail less trusting Him.
Adding,so long as we understand that all of this is received only through the Cross.
There would be no ressurection if the cross was absent or deflated in any way.
Meaning the sacrifice Jesus gave for us shedding His life blood.
No other way can merit any part of the treasure we have here!
In Christ.